Barleywine |
Brewed first time in 2007. |
3,0,I, 50 cl., brown-orange, white writing, drawing of "Bryggerivej" drawed by Erik Brøndum. neck Barleywine, 10,5%, SG014 - - 2007 |
Brown Ale |
Brewed after an old "decoction-method". Used out from North Jytland in the beer. |
3,AF,I, light brown, white writing, clownhead, neck "Brown Ale", Søgaard logo, 5,7% - - 2008 |
Børglum Kloster - Abbedens Dubbel |
Brewed specialy for sale at Børglum Kloster. |
3,AF,I, rdbrown, white writing, mark with a sitting woman, neck Abbedens Dubbel, Søgaard logo, 7,9% - - 2009 |
Børglum Kloster - Bispens Trippel |
Brewed specialy for sale at Børglum Kloster. |
3,AF,I, purple, white writing, mark with a sitting woman, neck Bispens Trippel, Søgaard logo, 10,5% - - 2009 |
Børglum Kloster - Børglum Jul |
Brewed specialy for sale at Børglum Kloster. |
3,AF,I, green, white writing, mark with a sitting woman, neck Børglum Jul, Søgaard logo, 7,6% - - 2008 |
Børglum Kloster - Munkens Ale |
Brewed specialy for sale at Børglum Kloster. |
3,AF,I, lightbrown, white writing, mark with a sitting woman, neck "Munkens Ale", Søgaard logo, 6,5% - - 2007 |
Børglum Kloster - Stygge Krumpen |
Introduced 2011. |
3,AF,I, orangered, white writing, mark with a sitting woman, neck Stygge Kruympen, Søgaard logo, 5,5% - - 2011 |
C.W. |
Named after a tobacofactory and a tobacomaker C.W. Obel, whose factory was on the square in front of where the brewery is now. |
3,AF,I, 50 cl., red, white writing, clownhead, neck C.W., 5,2%, SG004 - - 2006 |
Dunkel - 5 |
Sold in Metro Aalborg by the opening. 5 is in occasion of the fift Metro in Denmark. |
3,AF,I, black, picture of an old photo of the building where Søgaard Bryghus is, neck "Dunkel %", 5,3% - - 2007 |
Egtved Pigens Bryg |
Brewed like the brew found by the late Egtved Pigen, who was buried in 1030 b.c. and found in 1921. The beer is bottled in a mouthblown bottle from Holmegaard and placed in a wooden box, together with a book about the beer and Egtved Pigen. The beer was introduced september 2008, and was in november/december sold from the brewery. The price was 2021 kr, witch is the most expensive beer in the world. The 21 kr. refers to the year 1921. |
Leather with goldprint, metal medal on the neck, 11,5% - - 2008 |
Espresso Stout |
Espresso Stout an cooperation between brewmaster Anders Kissmeyer, coffeehouse KaffeMekka in Aarhus and Søgaards Bryghus. |
3,AF,I, white, photo of a coffeecup, neck "Espresso Stout", 7,0%, SG018 - - 2011 |
Gourmet Ruten |
Made for the cooperation of danish and norwegian ins and hotels in Gourmet Ruten. |
3,AF,I, white, Gourmet Ruten, neck white "Jubilæumsøl", 5,5% - - 2010 |
Aalborg City Guldøl 2008 |
Brewed to celebrate that the footballclub in Aalborg, AaB, became danish masters 2008. |
3,AF,I, white-red, Aalborg City logo, goldmedal, clownhead, hals red-white "guldøl 2008", 5,1% - - 2008 |
Hindbær Øl |
Introduced 2012. Bottomfermented beer flavored with raspberries. Brewed on pilsner- and wheatmalt. |
3,AF,I, 50 cl., red - checkered, white writing, neck "hindbær", 2,5%, - - 2012 |
Isbuk |
Made in cooperation with Brænderiet Limfjorden on Mors. |
25 cl. bottle with wax seal. The label was not ready when the bottle was taped, possibly 24% - - 2014 |
Julebuk |
First bottledraw october 27. 2005, delivered in November. Bottomfermentet beer spiced with cloves. |
3,AF,I, 50 cl., gold, white writing, clownhead, neck "Julebuk", 5,8% - - 2005 |
Jomfruhumle |
Among the first four beers on bottle - october 2005. Pilsner-type. The name comes from the use of stammer fra, at den er brygget med unpollinated shehops flowers (virgin hops) (virgin = jomfru (danish)) (a normal brewmethod). |
3,AF,I, Green, white writing, clownhead, neck Jomfruhumle, 5,0%, SG002 - - 2005 |
Klitøl - Blokhus |
Variation over Søgaards Dubbel. |
3,AF,I, white-purple, white writing, buckthorn, neck "KlitØl", 6,0%. SG017 - - 2009 |
Klosterbryg |
. |
3,AF,I, orange, white writing, neck "Klosterbryg", 5,8%. SG019 - - 2005 |
Knuthenborg Bryg |
Made for Knuthnborg Park and Safari. Same beer as The Irish House. |
3,AF,I drawing of Knuthenborg Gods, neck green "Knuthenborg Bryg", 4,5% - - 2010 |
Type: Münchner dunkel.
LOA is a tribute to the ship LOA, who in 2006 and 2007 was restored in Aalborg. It is a three-master schooner build in 1920-22. The sale of the beer contribute to the financing of the ship restoring. |
3,AF,I, brown, white writing, small clownhead, Søgaards Bryghus, Aalborg, neck LOA AF AALBORG, 5,3%, SG012 - - 2007 |
Madam Ale |
The name is choosen because many women like this beer. It is ligth sweet and with only a little carbonic acid. |
3,AF,I, 50 cl., brown, white writing, clownhead, neck Madam Ale, 4,4%, SG005 - - 2006 |
Madam Wit |
Wheatbeer. The name refer to "The White Lady". |
3,AF,I, 50 cl., lightbrown, white writing, clownhead, neck Madam Wit, 5,0%, SG008 - - 2006 |
Melodi Grand Prix 2007 |
Limited edition for Danish Melodi Grand Prix 2007. |
3,AF,I, brown, gold writing, MPG logo, neck "Dansk Melodi Grand Prix", 5,1%, SG010 - - 2007 |
Naverbryg |
Among the first four beers on bottle - october 2005. Bavaria-beertype. Inspiration from Bamberg, Germany. Brew on münchnermalt. A Naver was a workmann who travels around in Europe an offered his working capacity from place to place. |
3, AF,I, blue, white writing, clownhead, neck Naverbryg, 5,0%, SG003 - - 2005 |
Pearl of India |
Named after the english beertype IPA (India Pale Ale) |
3,AF,I, 50 cl., lightgreen, white writing, clownhead, neck Pearl of India, 5,5%, SG006 - - 2006 |
Røverbryg |
Made for Røverstuen in Rebild. |
3,AF,I, Orange, Røverbryg, "Til røvere og andet godtfolk", neck orange "Røverbryg", 5,5% - - 2010 |
Skipperstowt |
Brewed by malt, hops and liquorice. |
3,AF,I, 50 cl., black, white writing, clownhead, neck Skipperstowt, 5,5%, SG007 - - 2006 |
3,AF,I, 50 cl., black, white writing, clownhead, "Aalborg", neck Skipperstowt, 5,5%, SG009 - - 2006 |
The Irish House |
Brewed special for The Irish Pub in Aalborg. |
3,AF,I, yellow, trefoil, "A taste of Ireland", "Authentic Irish Pub", neck The Ale, Søgaard logo, 4,5% - - 2009 |
Tårnhøjt skum |
Brewed in cooperation with the committee of Danske Ølentusiaster in North Jylland. Named after the greeting used bye the association (Højt Skum) and the Aalborgtower.
Barley wine/strong belgian ale. |
3,AF,I, 50 cl., blue-black, picture of the Aalborg Tårnet, neck "Tårnhøjt Skum", 9,5%, SG013 - - 2007 |
US Pale Ale |
Pale Ale with extra hops after american model.
US Pale Ale wan "The battle of Nordjylland" in march 2007 - a competition among four brewerys in Nordjylland. The competition was organized by Danske Ølentusiasters' local section in Nordjylland. |
3,AF,I, brown, white writing, clownhead, Søgaards Bryghus, Aalborg, neck US Pale Ale, 5,1%, SG011 - - 2007 |
Utzon Blond |
Brewed special for the Utzon Center in Aalborg. |
3,AF,I, orange, white writing, drawing who reminds of the operahouse in Sydney, neck Blond Beer, Søgaard logo, 5,0% - - 2009 |
Utzon Dark |
Brewed special for the Utzon Center in Aalborg. |
3,AF,I, dark purple, white writing, drawing who reminds of the operahouse in Sydney, neck Dark Beer, Søgaard logo, 5,6% - - 2009 |
Viva La Birra |
Introduced 2009 when the ballet- and operahouse La Scalavisitted Aalborg 18.-24. october 2009. Brewed in cooperation with Birrificio Italiano. |
3,AF,I, 50 cl., green-white-red, gold writing, neck "Viva La Birra", 6,0%, - - 2012 |
Wasabier |
Introduced 2012. Bottomfermented beer flavored with Japanese wasabi. Brewed on pilsnermalt. |
3,AF,I, 50 cl., green -checkered, white writing, neck "Wasabier", 5,0%, - - 2012 |