Collection Front Mail Beerlink

The beercollection

ølrum.jpg (40990 bytes)

My beercollection concist of most Danish beers, but more is to come from around the world.

Now 7720 beers mentioned

Country Breweries Beers
Algeria 2 3
Argentina 1 1
Australia 5 11
Austria 16 45
Barbados 2 2
Belarus 2 2
Belgium 107 549
Brazil 1 1
Bulgaria 1 1
Canada 4 5
China 6 9
Croatia 5 23
Cyprus 1 2
Czech Republic 25 79
Cuba 1 2 
Denmark 244 5184
Egypt 1 2
Estonia 5 12
Faroe 2 22
Finland 4 6
France 33 159 
Gambia 1 2
Germany 177 504
Greece 6 10
Greenland 4 9
Hungary 10 21
India 2 2
Indonesia 2 2
Ireland 8 35
Iceland 6 9
Israel 1 3
Italy 21 54
Jamaica 1 1
Japan 3 5
Kenya 1 2
Latvia 2 4
Lithuania 5 10
Luxembourg 2 6
Malta 2 4
Marocco 1 4
Mauritius 1 1
Mexico 3 7
Montenegro 1 1
Netherlands 32 139
New Zealand 1 2
Norway 21 107
Poland 20 56
Portugal 4 12
Romania 1 1
Russia 2 5
Singapore 1 4
Slovak Republic 2 6
Slovenia 1 3
South Africa 1 2
Spain 10 46
Sri Lanka 1 1
Sweden 24 112
Switzerland 2 7
Tanzania 1 1
Thailand 2 7
Togo 1 1
Trinidad and Tobaco 1 2
Turkey 4 7
UK 72 294
Ukraine 5 6
USA 43 104
Venezuela 1 1
Zaire 1 1
Zimbabwe 1 1
Here is my first beer in the collection

To collect beers have given me the interest for studing breweryhistory. I have reduced the seach to Løgstør and surroundings (my home town). Historys about old locale brewerys can also be expected. (so far only in danish).