BB Pilsner |
Svendborg Sund Bridge |
21,D, bluegreen, BB, BB Pilsner, neck green, drawing of the Svendborg Sund Bridge, SB023 - - year?? |
Bock - Luxus Bock |
In 1974 did the brewery celebrate its 75 years birthday with a special neck. |
4,C, , lightbrown, red brand SB with an ankre, neck lightbrown "1899 1974", "18 maj", old declaration, redly "gold"-alu top, SB007, kl. A - - about 1974 |
4,C, gold, black writing, drawing of Anne Hvides gård, neck gold, declaration and date, SB012 - - 1987 |
Bock Pilsner |
Successor for SB Pilsner |
1,C, green, drawing of the brewery, white billy goat in red, neck green "Bock Pilsner", SB017 - - 1987 |
Dageløkke Feriecenter |
1,C, white, drawing of the island Langeland, Tranekær - Langeland, neck "Dageløkke Feriecenter" - - 1986 |
Dana Hvidtøl |
21,D, gray-blue, drawing of barley, neck blue "Mørkt DANA Hvidtøl", without declaration, SB009 - - year?? |
5 Pilsner |
Speciallabel for 5 coop-stores. |
1,C, , green, "Dine 5 nærhedsbutikker, Brugsen Odensevej, Sanderum, Åhaven, Bellinge, Kvickly Dalum, Svendborg Bryghus", neck "Dalum Brugsforening 1882 - 1982", SBV006 - - 1982 |
Fynsk Guld |
For the supermarket Jeka |
1,C, gold brow, drawing of Lotzes garden Odense 1864, "Dejlige Gamle Fyn", neck gold "Fynsk Guld", SB015 - - 1986 |
Fynsk Øl |
For the supermarket Jeka |
1,C, green, drawing of Lotzes garden Odense 1864, "Dejlige Gamle Fyn", neck green "Fynsk Øl", SB016 - - 1986 |
Gammelkøbing Pilsner |
. |
1,D, green, drawing of house, "En rigtig langelænder", neck green "SB Pilsner", no dekl - - year?? |
Guld Bock |
The beer did give name too the brewery ( Dansk Guldbockbryggeri) for a period. |
21,0, white-red-white, gold billy goat in green with red circle, two stars, Dansk Guldbockbryggeri A/S, white alu-top "Guld Bock", SB018 - - year?? |
21,C, white-red-white, gold billy goat in green with red circle, two stars, Dansk Guldbockbryggeri A/S, white alu-top "Guld Bock", SB024 - - year?? |
H. Christensen & Søn |
Jubilee beer for H. Christensen & Søn |
1,A, green, logo, neck "Papir i 100 år - 1880-1980, old. dekl, - - 1980 |
Jule Bock |
21,C, white-blue, Dansk Guldbockbryggeri, neck "Jule Bock", old. dekl, SB027 - - year?? |
Jule Bryg |
1,C, , lightblue, drawing of half-timbering house with snow, neck lightblue "JULE Bryg", old dekl, SB001 - - ap. 1978 |
Langeland Pilsner |
SB Pilsner. |
1,C, green, drawing of the island Langeland, "Dansk Guldbockbryggeri A/S", SB025 -- year?? |
Maj Bock |
. |
21,D, green - white, "Dansk Guldbockbryggeri A/S", SB021 -- år?? |
Nyde Pils - ?yde Pils |
A period was there doubt about the name of the beer. That is why it began with a ?. First was it named "Jyde Pils", since "?yde Pils" and last "Nyde Pils". |
1,C, green, white writing, drawing of at red chess-horse, "?yde Pils", "for Aps Da-Mi", Svendborg Bryghus, hals "Hvor godt-øl er kommer godt-folk til", SB004 -- year?? |
1,C, green, white writing, drawing of at red chess-horse, "Nyde Pils", "for Aps Da-Mi", Svendborg Bryghus, hals "Hvor godt-øl er kommer godt-folk til", SB005 -- year?? |
Pilsner |
For Købmand Bagger - Otterup |
1,C, light green, Dansk Guldbock Bryggeri, new-dekl, SB0001 - - year?? |
Påske Bock |
1,D, white-yellow, gold billy goat, Svendborg Bryghus A/S, Dansk Guldbockbryggeri A/S, without declaration, SB010, kl. B - - year?? |
RC Pilsner |
Speciallabel for "R. Christiansen Rådgivende Ingeniørvirksomhed I/S", Herning. |
1,C, green, white-black writing, RIF, drawing of an "engineer", "Altid et godt råd", neck "SB Pilsner", SB003 - - year?? |
SB Fadøl |
1,C, light green, drawing of a castle, ankre with SB, neck green "SB Fadøl på flaske", old declaration, SB013 - - about 1982 |
SB Frokost Øl |
21,C, green, yellow-white writing, "Lyst Hvidtøl", neck green "Frokost øl", old declaration, SB014 - - year?? |
SB Pilsner |
The standard pilsner from the brewery, the name changes to Bock Pilsner. |
21,D, red-gray, Svendborg, Pilsner, neck red “SB-pilsneren med fadølsmag”, without-declaration, SB008 - - year?? |
21,D, green, white writing, 21 with 1, lightred drawing of the brewery, red “castle”, neck green “SB Pilsner”, without-declaration, SB011 - - year??
1,C, green, white-green writing, red "borg logo", A/S Dansk Guldbock Bryggeri, SB with a anchor, neck green 1899 - 18 maj - 1974, SB020 - - 1974 |
1,C, green, white-green writing, red "borg logo", A/S Dansk Guldbock Bryggeri, SB with a anchor, neck green "SB Pilsner", SB002 - - year?? |
SB Skibsøl |
21,C, white-blue, black-white writing, "Hvidtøl", hals blå "Skibs-Øl", "Special pasteuriseret", Witout-dekl, SB022 - - year?? |
SBS Byttestævne |
Partial reprints of the brewery's first labels to mark the SBS Scandinavian Brewery Souvenir Collectors' Association held their 12th trade event. |
1,C, green, Pilsner Øl, neck 12. Internationale byttestævne, - - 1987 |
Team Svendborg |
. |
1,C, white, drawing of af fox, neck Team Svendborg, - - year?? |
Ægte Avena Øl |
Malt extract beer |
21,D, yellow-gray, black-red script, castle-logo, "Skattekl. II", neck "Ægte Avena Øl", no declaration, SB026 - - year?? |
21,C, yellow-gray, black-red script, castle-logo, "Skattekl. II", neck "Ægte Avena Øl", old declaration, SB019 - - year?? |