Hamborgøl |
Among the first three beers from the brewery. Is named after German imported beer, which the monks drink at Øm Kloster. |
5,M,I, white, light brown square, 8,0%, - - 2009 |
Oluf Kviter |
Introduced march 2009. Added cranberry. Oluf Kviter was lay brother at ved Øm Kloster. He willed two farms too Øm Kloster in 1257. |
5,M,I, white, gray-black square, 7,0%, - - 2009 |
Skt. Søren |
Introduced march 2009. Added heather as a substitute for hops. Søren was a gifted farmerson from Gl. Rye, he became priest an later bishop of Köln around the year 400. Skt. Sørens Church in Gl. Rye is named after him. |
5,0,I, white, light purple square, 4,9%, - - 2009 |
Svendeøl |
Among the first three beers from the brewery. Added rowanberry and anise. In the cellars unter Øm Kloster was many tinder beer. In the svendekælderen (journeymancellar) was 20 tinder Svendeøl (journeymanbeer) in 1554. The beers was brewed by the monks. |
5,M,I, white, brown squre, 5,3%, - - 2009 |
Årsøl |
Among the first three beers from the brewery. Added blueberry. In the cellars unter Øm Kloster was many tinders with beer. In teh mastercellar was 12 tinder Årsøl (yearsbeer) in 1554. Årsøl was stronger than daily beer and was drunk a special occasions. |
5,M,I, white, dark purple squre, 6,5%, - - 2009 |