Forårs Bryg |
A strong brew, with sweetnes and bitternes. Brewed with cascade hops. |
21,0,III, yellow-green, Herslev Bryghus, Forårs Bryg, 9,0 % - - 2006 |
Gorm's Bryg - Rugøl |
This wikingbeer is called Gorm's Bryg because the Wiking-play in Frederikssund in 2005 played the drama about Gorm and Thyra. Brewed with barley- and ryemalt, honey and cascadehops.
Are later relanced as Rugøl.. |
21,0,III, bluegray, Herslev Bryghus, Gorm's Bryg, HE002 - - 2005 |
Granøl |
Added shot of spruce. |
21,0,III, green, Herslev Bryghus, Granøl, 5,3% - - 2015 |
Hvede |
One of the first beers from the brewery. Later made organic. |
21,0,III, yellow-gray, Herslev Bryghus, Hvede, HE003, 5,8% - - 2006 |
21,0,III, yellowgray, "Økologisk", Herslev Bryghus, Hvede, 5,0% - - 2015 |
Høstbryg - Mjødurt |
Releaced august 2007. Top fermented. Brewed by barley harvestet around Herslev, and barley-and ryemalt. Added spiraea (mjødurt). |
21,0,III, red, Herslev Bryghus, Høst Bryg Mjødurt, 6,0 % - - 2007 |
Mark Hø |
Only local barley and hay. |
21,0,III, yellowgray, Herslev Bryghus, Mark Øl, 5,5 % - - 2015 |
Pilsner |
Introduced 2004. The prime hops is Hallertau Hersbrucker. |
21,0,III, yellow-green, Herslev Bryghus, Pilsner, 5,5 % - - 2007 |
Sommer Ale |
Introduced summer 2004 |
21,0,III, gray, Herslev Bryghus, Sommer Ale, HE001 - - 2004 |
Stjerne Bryg |
Introduced november 2004. The christmasbrew from the brewery with anise. |
21,0,III, gray-green, Herslev Bryghus, "Stjerne Bryg", 9,0% - - 2007 |
Stout - four grain |
Introduced february 2006. Brewed by malt from four different kinds of grain. Barley, wheat, rye and outs. |
21,0,III, brown-gray, Herslev Bryghus, "Stout", "Four Grain", 7,0% - - 2006 |