Barley Wine |
Releaced september 2005. The label says "brewed and bottled for Grauballe Bryghus". That has happend on Thisted Bryghus, because Grauballe not are able to keep up with the demand. |
1,0,I, black, white writing, hop vine, 8,5 %, GR002 - - 2005 |
Enebær Stout |
Introduced spring 2006. Top fermentet beer with juniper berry. |
1,0,I, black, picture of a juniper berry twig, "Brygget med enebær", GR- , 6,0 % -- 2006 |
Fruens Bøge Dansk Forår |
For Kvickly. |
5,0, green, EST 2015, Dalum, 7,0 % -- 2016 |
Grill - Øl til dine kul |
Lagerbeer. |
5,0, black, 5,2 % -- 2016 |
Gylden Tangøl |
Cooperation between Nordisk Tang and Grauballe Bryghus. Spiced with sewaweed. |
5,0, white, Nordisk Tang, 4,5 % -- 2019 |
Honey Gold
Brewed for the occasion of the wedding between crownprins Frederik of Denmark and Mary Donaldsons may, 14. 2004.
Honey Gold won the publicprice as the best weddingbeer at Danish Beerentusiasts Beerfestival the samme day. The beer was relaced commerciel september, 15. 2004, brewed at Thisted Bryghus. |
1,0,I, black, white writing, twig with flowers, Brewed with honey from Tasmania, 7,5 %, GR001 - - 2004 |
5,0, black, white writing, Brewed with honey from Tasmania, 7,0 %, - - 2019 |
Kvickly Vericenter 25 år for Ø |
Brewed for Kvickly Vericentret to celebrate 25 years with the organic-mark in Danmark. Kvickly Øko Klassisk, |
5,0, light brown, Ø, 1990-2015, 4,8% - - 2015 |
Morgendug |
Introduced 2006. Light Northenglish ale. |
44,0,I, 66cl, black greenish, picture of Grauballe Mose in morning mist, 4,6 % - - 2006 |
Munkens Juledrøm |
Tripel. |
5,0,I, 50cl, black brown, drawing of munk, 9,0 % - - 2015 |
Nørrebryg |
India Pale Ale. Brewed for ”plan b” Copenhagen. |
5,0, 50cl, black, green, beerglas, 6,2 % - - 2010 |
Orange Blossom |
Brewed as a christmas brew, first time 2005. A tiny orangeflavor from the honey, which is from the orangetree. |
1,0,I, Black - orange, Christmas Ale, Brygget med honning fra appelsintræet, 6 oranges, GR003 - - 2005 |
Pilsner |
Lagerbeer. |
5,0, black-green, "Klassiker", 4,7 % -- 2016 |
Red Irish |
Introduced spring 2006. Top fermentet. |
1,0,I, black redbrown, "Brygget med First Gold humle", picture of clower, GR-, 5,6% - - 2005 |
Tange Sø Bryg |
Brewed Tawøl for Tange Sø Folk Festival. Brewed by Peter Baggerman. |
5,0, green checkered, Irish Ale, GR-, 56% - - 2014 |
5,0, green checkered, Irish Ale, "Økologisk", GR-, 5,6% - - 2024 |
Wild Horse |
Imperial Stout |
5,0, bordeauxred, Imperial Stout, 8,4% - - 2017 |
Årets Juleøl |
Made as a cooperation between local Kvickly stores and brewmaster William Frank. Brewed for Arne Wammen, Kvickly, Aars. |
5,0, white-black, Wammen Special Christmas Edition 2016, drawing of a hird, GR-, 6,7% - - 2016 |