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Various |
Bryggeriet Straahatten - unter start-up
Bryggerigruppen nu ´Royal Unibrew- Faxe + Ceres + Thor
Indslev Bryggeri, Nørre Åby
Mylius-Erichsen Bryghus, Ringkøbing
Restaurant Bryggen Thisted
Rise Bryggeri , Ærø
Ugelris Vingaard & Gaardbryggeri
Danish soft driks brewery, who makes eco soft drinks Søbogård
Special sites from danish breweries
Breweries around the world to the top
Antarctica, Southamerica
Belgian Shop - Belgium brewerys
De Koninck The official site
Czech Republic
Brewery Velke Popovice, Brew Kozel. Has a big labelcollection on the net
Faroe Islands
Bierhaus En D'r Salzgass Kölsh
Brauhaus Früh Kölsh
Brauerei zum Malzköhle Kölsh
Peters Brauhaus Kölsh
Privat-Brauerei Heinrich Reissdorf Kölsh
König Ludwig Schlossbrauerei Kaltenberg
Sion Kölsh
Sünner Kölsh
Carlsberg in Polen (worth seeing)
Okocim, Polen (Carlsberg owned)
Redhook Breweries, Washington, USA
Yuengling, Pottsville. Pennsylvania USA, Americas oldest brewery 1829
Collector unions to the top
Association Of Independent Colectors Of Beer Labels And Souveirs "PIVETY" Czech Republik
Australian Beer Can Collectors Association - Australia
Brewery Collectibles Club of America - USA
Eastern Coast Breweriana Association USA
Scandinavisk Bryggerisouvenir Sammenslutning SBS - Denmark
Slovak Association of brewing history
Tankards Germany/Austria
B. United - site about beer and wine for sale and in collection
Beer Can News - A UK collector.
Bierdeckelsamler Austrian coaster collector
Beercoasters - Vladimir Gerlich, Czech Republic, site with beercoasters
Beerlabel collector from Poland
Beer me A site with a list over brewerys all over the world
Brauwesen-historisch facts over brewerys from a lot of countrys
Brewplace - American collector
Cambrinus - Dutch Beer Portal
Capscollection - large cap collecion in Russia.
Corzman's Carling Black Label Page collector
Ciuitre italien page with a lot information of beers
Dan Hyde american beer collector
Finns side danish labelcollector
Finn Christiansens site about Lolland-Falsters Bryghus (danish)
Flaskehalsendk - danish collector of beer and whisky
Gruit Beers - site about historic beers
Lars Jensen General about beers and brewerys, specialy danish, belgian and german
Jan Meinders Dutch beercollector
Jukka Lehvä Finland
Jurgen van den Broeck belgian beermat collector
Kay-Verner danish site about Carlsberg labels
Kurt Michelsens Kongens Bryghus collection (danish)
Lindsays beer page Australia
Michael austrian beerbottlecollector - lots of information about austrian beers
Michael Fey german who brews beer in a washing machine
Harry Pinkster, Dutch beercollector
Pivovary info site about Czech brewerys
Plop de German site with Hutter stoppers, ceramic stoppers, swingtops, swivel stoppers from breweries world wide.
Breweriana Swedish beercan and label collector
Stefans Beersite Sweden
Nisses Beersites Sweden
Mike Scotts beer bottle collection USA
Beer-tasting unions to the top
Andebu Øl- og Hattefærening Norway
Beerclub_Voertstyrkan Sweden
Beertasting union in Norway NORØL
Carlsen ølklubb, Larvik, Norway
Camra - UK
Kampagne für Gutes Bier, KGB Austria
O.B.E.R Obejctive Beertasters Essen Region - Belgium
Promotie INformatie Traditioneel Bier (PINT) Netherlands
Skum og Skæg (Foam and beard) Denmark
Tawøl - Tange Sø Whisky og Øl Laug (Tange Lake Whisky and Beer Guild)
Beer Magasins to the top
Bieremag Canadian Beermagasin in French
Beer Passion - Belgian Beer Magazine
Beer Books to the top
Books about beers -
The writer Conrad Seidl (BierPapst)
Best Beer - Online shop in UK
Gut bier - Danish import of german beers
Shop Beer linkssite for beershops and beerrelated items
Kingdom of Beers Belgian online brew shop
My Austria Informations about Austria and it's most important beer brands online shop
Ølhandleren Beershop in Give, Denmark
Øltorvet danish online beershop
Beertown World Beer Cup and much more
Bier A lot about german beers
Beerbrewing is a cheap hobby - article from CNN
BierClub Varius about beer - Beer of the month
Beer paradise Belgian
Beer songs norwegian
Beer songs Danish
Gruit Ale - historic beer recepies
Homebrewfaq A comprehensive guide to frequently asked questions about home brewing beer, wine, mead and cider.
Hotel Kummerower-Hof i Germany where they offer a Bierbad
ipogios Beer Glasses Collection
Rolling brewery in Germany
See the Oktoberfestival in München
The Science of Making Great Beer - 47 min american radiobroadcast
Thirsty - UK Manufacturer of custom printed Beer Mats and Coasters
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