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Stift Engelszell

Engelhartszell, Austria


Stift Engelszell is the only trappistmonestry in Austria. Beer was brewed in Stift Engelszell from 1590. That ended in 1929. In 2012 is the tradition reborn.



Malted barley, honey, hops and yeast. Benno is named after Abbot Benno Stumpf, who was head of the monesty from 1952-1966.

Benno. 2020.

0,33l. 6,9 % ABV.

Introduced june, 1. 2012. Malted barley, honey, hops and yeast. Dark Trippel. Gregorius is named after Abbot Gregorius Eisvogel, who was head of the monesty in more than 25 years (1925-1950).

Gregorius. 2012.

0,33l. 9,7 % ABV. 11,8 Plato.